
Why the economy does not matter; or, rather, why me writing about the economy does not matter

During the latter half of September, I have ranted quite a bit about the sorry demise of my former employer, and the crumbling economy.

But I now feel compelled to return to my usual topics. Thanks in no part to my recent efforts, the entire world (which includes my mom, my grandma, and your grandma) is now aware of the credit crisis and the coming "venison bubble" (in which the world -- reduced to hunting, gathering and bartering, and helped by the new crop of "investment banks" staffed by Mad Max / Waterworld extras -- overvalues the juicy meat of the common Garden State deer (superior in most ways to the common Garden State squirrel, but inferior to the racoon; who knew!)).

So, dear reader, please anticipate a fresh new crop of posts devoted not to the economy but to more important things, like ... hmm, I'll get back to you.

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