
To what we may look forward

I have been missing, in spirit, so to speak, in so many words, for almost exactly one year, a few days more. That might have turned into two years, maybe three, maybe ten or thirty-two, by which time the internet as we know it will have swallowed our collective consciousness whole, with benign intent, but unable to forecast (the lack of appreciation for non-determinism being the tragic flaw of our generation's technology) that our digital souls would digress, as is the tendency, into sex and combat: the two as inseparable as one and zero, the two known states of the binary bit (that purely human invention that either cannot count its own two selves or cannot understand the concept of nothing -- never both, but never neither, the exclusive or).

If not for the gentle reminder from our exclusive reader (you know who you are, wink), this so-called blog would surely stagnate through those traumatic years. And when judgement comes (sex and combat beget judgement of the highest order) I would be forced to defend these dusty pages without the benefit of having written in any rebuttal ...

That rebuttal might be that I am bored beyond the limits of man. I have spent the better part of two months in my apartment. After a time the walls turned into a meadow and a lark flew overhead, but after that passed I was a prisoner with a left knee for an iron ball, or an iron ball for a left knee, depending on your outlook.

I can walk without limping now. But I have higher aspirations. I would like to fly away to a new place, to see an old friend. There is something about new places, and old friends.

If only I could fly anywhere, everywhere ... not even like a bird, although that would be very cool ... I would settle for a coach seat. The thrill of takeoff, the relief of landing, and the hours of melancholy in between.

Is it true that spiders eat the souls of sleeping airline passengers? Yes, but they were forced to. They used to eat our dreams, you see. But Ambien killed off that preferred staple.

Because I cannot sleep on airplanes, I have avoided this miserable fate.

Here's to flying.