Rather than subject you to the tedium of a full show-and-tell, I present to you a picture or thirty with some snide comments thrown in for kicks, organized into chapters. I suppose that makes it a full show-and-tell. But you will enjoy it, god damn it.
I. Beijing

China has been blessed with ample reserves of flexibility and balance.



Neerav, aren't you vegetarian?

II. Summer

Ginna's old-school Jamis Dakota AL was a Craigslist special. Look at those vintage Judy XCs. Sure, the cartridge blew and leaked oil all over the place, and the elstomers are mush, but just look at them. Awesome.

Jumping at Fort Tilden on the hottest day of the summer in NYC.

Campobello Island, New Brunswick.

The twilight lasted for what seemed like hours.

In the moonlit night we took long exposure shots.

Sometimes the camera sees more than you do, and you are glad for it.

Then we went north into the Bay of Fundi, where ...

... extreme tides have carved extraordinary shapes out of the rocky coastal bluffs.

Franconia Ridge, New Hampshire.
III. The Wedding of Eunnie and Eric
Is there any experience more wonderful and humbling than the wedding of your little sister?

1 comment:
Between Radio Lab and Super Bowl commercials I had a void. Your show and tell was perfect. Thanks!
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