... a wretched twist of evolution condemned humans to far too many waking hours. Sleep is the default and preferred state of all animals, but biological necessities force them to be awake for a certain part of the day.
Technology will soon enable us to sleep all the time. We will then hang out in my dreams. Don't be alarmed if you find yourself transformed into a donkey, or into Marilyn Monroe.
Look out the window. There is a field of clouds, and a northern star.
1 comment:
hey, i love this picture. i downloaded it to the computer at the hostel so everyone can enjoy it. then of course some dork replaced it with richard pryor -- the war of the screensavers. anyway, thanks for the anamorphic comments, i hadn't thought of it that way "returning nondeterministic results" but thought it was interesting how it draws attention to the viewers own visual mechanism and the appropriation of the object. btw, can i be halfdonkey halfmarilyn? a donkey in high heels. how are you doing?
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