Well it's finally here.
This. The web-log. The Have-Not Journal. The Thing That Everyone And Their Mothers Have Been Waiting For.
On this inaugural post I find very little of consequence to write. It's all because I know you are reading.
You, all of you out there, digging around for any scrap of personal information about me, Ji-Soo Park.
The hoardes that Google my name and mistakenly think I am a male prostitute, or a Korean pop star. Those who dare, through digital means, to crack the enigma that is me.
In other words, my mother, and possibly your mother, unless you are one of these mothers yourself.
Anyway, the point is that although I expect the readership to be almost nonexistant, I must work under the assumption that anyone I know in any setting may happen upon this, and for some reason read through it. In real life I depend heavily on social compartmentalization, a practice by which I maintain several different circles of acquaintences while allowing a minimum of intersection among them. This helps me be a different person in different circumstances --
What? Should we not always be true to ourselves? If we cannot write with complete freedom on our own blogs, then what is the meaning of free speech?
Whatever. If you care at all about my point, you get what I am saying. Speech is not free, even if the law protects it. Every word carries a meaning and a small social price.
Hmm. Maybe I will write anything I want anyway.