Dear reader, before you get your panties all up in a knot, you don't suck (for the most part), and I
do care.
To wit: I recently started looking at some analytics about the traffic on this humble journal.
[Let me tell you, I spent a good half-hour when trying to select the goddamn category for the blog. "Absolute Truth" was not among the available choices, so I went with "Misc," though I think that belittles the absolute seriousness with which I post my musings. Ok, fine, not really. I would have selected "Senseless Drivel," which is perhaps the most accurate label.]
Anyway. It turns out people read this stuff more than I thought. This is hardly an achievement, since I expected three hits on a good month, but whatever. And while I cannot really be sure, you seem to represent a diverse cross-section of my known world; my
original intuition turns out to have been correct.
That's a little embarassing, because I often write stuff under the assumption that I am the only person who will care to read it. But really, what do I have to hide? I harbor no profound mysteries. I do sometimes emit some embarassing sappiness, but I ask you to please overlook these moments, and I will continue to stick to my original pledge of writing anything I want.
But I will be careful to avoid implicating anyone else in this embarassment. That is: if you object to any personal appearances here -- photographic, typographic and otherwise -- let me know, and I will get rid of it pronto. My bad.
In the past 24 hours, around 15 people from 4 different countries have peeked at various parts of the
Have-Not Journal. I find this absolutely amazing. It also does not reflect well on your social lives, but really, who am I to meddle?
Mostly I just want to thank anyone who finds this stuff readable, let alone interesting. You rule, and I care deeply. Keep reading. Really.